I thought I should dedicate a blog post to the everyday Copenhagen life.
What does Cam's week look like?
During the week Cam goes to the University to do what he does in the astronaut world (inside joke with teacher friends). Now don't go thinking he is an astronaut it's just that sometimes it gets confusing what he does but in simple, my language terms, he is a kinesiologist/neurophysiologist that does research primarily for people with spinal cord injuries and stroke. One thing that is pretty cool about being in Denmark is the opportunity to be a part of experiments you would not be able to run in Canada. It seems that the Danish people and Danish research ethics boards are a little bit more inclined to experiment with certain mind-altering anti-psychotic drugs. As I write this, I realize it sounds kind of bad, but don't worry it's all safe! Cam also enjoys Wednesday Cake Club and Friday Breakfast Club with his temporary labmates. He is also starting to create his own smorrebrod sandwiches at lunch, just to fit in (and also because they're delicious!)
What does Annika's week look like?
Etta and I embark on many different adventures during the week, especially since I feel the need to regularly get out of the house. I highly recommend if you are ever moving to a new city, going for an extended trip somewhere or just plain looking for a group of people with similar interests you should look on the meet up website for a group that suits your needs. I joined a group called Copenhagen International Parents meet up group here in Copenhagen. Through this group I go to a few activities a week. For example Etta and I will meet up for coffee with other international parents and their children or go to a song a dance class in English. When we are not meeting up with other international parents or our awesome German neighbours that are students as well here in Copenhagen, Etta and I go explore. With our transit pass we hop on and off buses and trains and then find unique streets to explore.
*See blog post Eat, Drink and Be Merry! (Part 1) for nature bath description
Awesome read! We commented in an older post...still getting the hang of blogger haha.